It’s easy to get obsessed with getting your house the way you want it, so when people come they will fall in love with your space. Let’s be honest, they don’t live there so why do we care so much? It’s you that has to love it, you spend every night in it and the bathroom is the place you start your day so it should be exactly how you want it. What’s your dream bathroom look like?

Where do you start, do you make the guest area the way you want it first or concentrate on your personal area, it all depends on you! Considering you spend so much time in it at the start of the day and end of the day, the bathroom should be that place you go too thats exactly how you like it! Now sure if you are renting there are obvious constraints however those small things added or subtracted can make a big difference.

A his & her sink that is super clean and minimal?
Loads of bench space but clean
Rustic but modern
Barely a room with a warehouse vibe
Earthy warmth and minimal
Full of plants and little boho

Whatever you desire remember it takes time to get things the way you want. If you want to start your day on the right footing and get in the best headspace maybe today’s the day you start getting things together.

The perfect must have obviously would be a beautiful shampoo and conditioner 🙂

Or it could be saving the wine bottles from the weekend and planting a cutting for a more natural vibe. Either way happy showering. So What’s your dream bathroom look like?

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