The fastest way to get better quality hair fast! Many that have experienced a bad moment with your hair then this may be just what you needed to read. For anyone wanting a miracle before you head out for a dinner date and your hair is looking more like a broom, then sorry you won’t like the answers. It may not be the fastest or the easiest but it will work if you are patient.
The reality is there is no instant fix, no miracle cure and no home remedy that is going to change your hair instantly. It’s just not going to happen. However the good news is that maybe this has put you in a position that now you may change a few key things to change some habits and lead you to better hair.

Hair is made up of 95% keratin and once it has left the scalp the condition is completely determined by external factors. These include chemical treatments, excessive heat damage and overall Maintainence of the strand.

Before you even ask, yes removing the ends makes sure the stability of the strand is maintained and any split ends are removed before they get a chance to move up the strand.

Excessive color weakens the hair structure making it more prone to damage, dehydration and split ends. Color is fine just don’t over do it. You know who you are, you know when enough is enough, let it go an extra week or month.

Yes the products you use matter, using a sulfate free shampoo and a conditioner every time you wash is paramount. It keeps the cuticle layer closed minimising the exposure of the internal structure and moisture of the hair.

Using a heat protecting serum that also offers UV protection matters and will make a big difference to the condition, feel and look of your hair.

Don’t over style your hair, no matter what the hairdryer claims, heat is heat. Always use heat protection and try to not blow dry every single time you wash.

What you eat matters, make sure your diet has sufficient protein, however this is going to help for growth not for the hair that you see currently.
Now whilst all of this is great but it’s not going to change your current position but small steps towards healthy hair made today will help you long term. The fastest way to get better quality hair fast is not a reality its a journey!