Whilst we all might complain about winter when it’s coming to an end, we find ourselves dreading the impending heat that is about to launch upon us. Yes summer is coming fast as too is dehydrated hair, so how can we prepare your hair for the heat that is to come? Here is How to get your hair Summer ready!

Stop stretching out haircuts

No matter what length you have or want you need to remove the ends every 6-8 weeks to remove and fragile spilt or damaged ends. If you don’t, then you run the risk of the split travelling up the hair shaft, which will cause more damage and possible reduction of length from the breakage.

Too much Color is too much

A lot of time we do things for the sake of doing it without any reason or rational for doing it. If it needs colouring for Maintainence it’s fine, but often over colouring is disguised as “refreshing” says Rod Anker and it’s not always needed. Even overlapping Color will cause more damage and lead to split ends, Color fade and irreparable damage.

Avoiding conditioner

If you have fine hair you may have or still be avoiding conditioner because it weighs down your hair. This is the wrong approach, conditioner closes the cuticle, prevents evaporation of the internal structure of the hair which will cause the cuticle to become brittle weak and split or break off. Use a weightless conditioner that seals cuticle tight but doesn’t interfere with fullness of the hair.

These three things show you How to get your hair summer ready and will get you through it with beautifully looking and feeling hair!

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