It’s been a while, in fact you can’t remember when it was so does your hair need a trim?

Chances are the fact you are reading this is most likely it does. Reality is to keep hair healthy ( the ends ) it needs regular trims every 6-8 weeks. Regardless of if you are growing it or not the ends of the hair have been cut and the internal structure is exposed. Over time that becomes damaged and is prone to splitting the structure of the hair, travelling upwards which in turn will eventually split and break the hair into a shorter length.

There are several products that chemically help bind these ends together temporarily however the only real remedy is removing them. Obviously prevention is better than cure so it’s best to maintain your ends by regular trimming to remove any fragile ends.

Several things to remember about hair becoming split and the causes even on healthy hair could be heat damage from excessive use of heat tools, having a haircut with blunt scissors or razor can tear the hair rather than slicing it leaving the ends already prone to splitting. Too much chemical damage beyond repair, once you go too far, it needs removing.

Now let’s look at the actual shape and structure of the cut, the haircut is created around adding and distribution of weight to create a shape and/or encourage hair to behave and move in a certain manner. It can be as slight as the ends being cut at a certain angle to encourage the hair to behave a certain way says Rod Anker. Hair grows constantly and the structure of the cut has a timeline that will hold up and a point when it simply won’t work. This is different for everyone based on the hair, growth and particular cut so it’s important to look at 6 weeks being a good benchmark for a salon visit.

Products will only get you so far ( yes they make a huge difference ) however that has to go hand in hand with regular maintanemce also.

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