Sunday’s come it’s your off day and whilst you desperately want to stay in bed all day, you also have a list a mile long of things you want to do. It’s always a trade off, but why should it not be everything you wanted? Here are our top 5 things to do on our Off Days.

Sure it may be on the phone and not a book, but it’s still reading.
Head outside, find some shade and get yourself comfy.

For some, getting the laptop out and finally getting a moment to cross things off the to-do list is a feeling of accomplishment that only comes on our off day. Sure we get sidetracked with various other websites but that’s ok as long as the work gets done.
Could be an ice cold margarita or an iced macha latte it’s my choice because it’s Sunday.
Why not plan a picnic? Could be in a park, on your rooftop or in the car. It’s just changing things up to make it more fun. Try new foods, eat the naughty food you are avoiding and just live life.

Go shopping or buy flowers, or do both!
So no matter what you plan on doing make sure whatever it is that it makes you happy, your off day is all about you and doing things you want to do, with the people you want to do it with.
Don’t stress about your hair, put it up in a messy bun, find yourself a clutch clip and simply forget about it!
Enjoy your day off